PayDay 2 “Gage Weapon Pack” Releasing Today for PC

Get your hands on some military-grade hardware for heists.

Overkill Software and 505 Games have announced that the Gage Weapon Pack for PayDay 2 will be available today for PC. It will feature a wheelchair-bound vet named Gage who sells some fairly powerful weaponry, thus allowing you some serious firepower during heists.

Some of these weapons include an Eagle Heavy Rifle, Signature .40 Pistol and Spec Ops Submachine Gun, along with a mod that lets you select different mods of fire (which is free on its own). A 4x inventory booster is also included for free which lets you carry four times as many weapons as usual.

Finally, you’ve got a new set of masks which include a goat named Dolph, a bulldog named Arnold, an eagle named Chuck and a panda who goes by Jean-Claude. You’ll be able to customize your masks with different materials as always. We call dibs on the panda.

Overkill has more content planned in the coming days for PayDay 2 to stay tuned.

505 GamesDLCGage Weapon PackOverkill SoftwarePayday 2pcSteam