Plants vs. Zombies 2: EA Now Charging for Lawnmowers in New Update?

The newest update for the free to play mobile title may have landed EA in hot water.

If you’ve played Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time, then you’re no doubt part of a small contingent that agrees to the game’s greatness despite the in-app purchases. In fact, despite initial criticisms, PvZ2 offered a refreshingly un-EA like way to handle micro-transactions.

At least, before the latest update. According to a user on Reddit, the newest update allows you buy lawnmowers after they’ve been used. You can buy them within the game using currency which can be obtained by either completing missions or dropping some real cash for the same. Given that the lawnmowers are the last line of defense for missions, they come across as essential. But no biggie because the game is fairly generous with its currency, right?

Apparently not. Now, not only can you retry Pinata events for coins, but if you do there won’t be any lawnmowers. You’ll need to buy them back. Which is again not a big deal since you can do this in the main story missions, right?

Apparently not (again). Now, no matter which mission you select, you won’t have any lawnmowers. You’ll only have the option of buying the same. EA has essentially removed what was a default mechanic for the game and is now charging you for the privilege of using it.

Is it a bug or a really crazy way to scam customers out of their cash? Did PopCap and EA really intend for lawnmowers to be removed by default and requiring their purchase at the start of every mission? It’s definitely worth investigating, especially since EA’s credibility has hit rock bottom following the release of Dungeon Keeper on mobiles. Other users have been experiencing the same but some report vastly different results.

Have you been seeing this issue in the game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

androidEAin-app purchasesiOSPlants vs. Zombies 2: It's About TimePopCap Interactiverumour