Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 May Be Announced This E3

And it may, once again, be Xbox exclusive, at least for a while.

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare was, all said and done, a great game. It had oodles of charm, and a highly addictive design to its gameplay that ensnared you with its deceptively simple exterior. It was also a bit of a hit for EA, so of course it is to be expected that there will be a sequel to it.

And that’s exactly what is being teased- a new video by EA seems to hint that Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 will be announced at E3 next week. Almost as interestingly, it appears that this sequel, like the original game, will also be aligned with Xbox. That’s interesting, because common knowledge has dictated so far that EA has had second thoughts on its backing the Xbox One early on in the gen.

Garden Warfare 2, it appears, is slated to be revealed during Microsoft’s E3 conference next Monday. So, mark that date, fellows.

We will keep you posted.

e3 2015EAPlants vs Zombies: Garden Warfareplants vs zombies: garden warfare 2ps4Xbox One