Platinum Games Working On Top Secret Project That Will “Turn the Action Genre On Its Head”

A new, top-secret, unannounced project.

PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba were recently attendance at a Bitsummit panel held in Kyoto, Japan, and among the many, many things they spoke of there was one of the studio’s upcoming games. The most notable upcoming release being worked on over at Platinum is, of course, the Switch exclusive Bayonetta 3, but according to Inaba, there’s other interesting stuff in the pipeline as well.

Inaba explained that Platinum are currently also working on an as of yet unannounced “top-secret” project. The game promises to be a new and innovative experience that, according to him, will “turn the action genre on its head”. The project is so top-secret, in fact, that many people even at Platinum don’t know about it. Obviously, we’re assuming this means that we’re a ways off from a reveal or announcement for this game right now.

Inaba and Kamiya also spoke of some other things, the most notable among which was a possible Switch release for The Wonderful 101. Kamiya joked about how poorly the game did from a commercial standpoint, but did go on to say that he hopes Nintendo chooses to bring the game over to its new system. He also proceeded to ask the audience if they would like to see The Wonderful 101 on the Switch, and the response from them was very encouraging.

The pair spoke about plenty of other interesting topics as well, such as the philosophy that Platinum employs while conceptualizing and creating their games, their own personal tastes in games, and the massive budgets in development of AAA releases that we usually see in Western studios. You can watch the complete panel through the link at the top of this post.

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