PlayStation 4.5 in Development, Features Upgraded GPU – Report

To support 4K, though it may not arrive this year.

Sony is apparently working on increasing the power to the PlayStation 4 and will release a slightly upgraded version of the console in the future.

Several developers told Kotaku at GDC 2016 that this “PlayStation 4.5” would have more processing power, support for 4K and an upgraded GPU in order to better support the upcoming PlayStation VR. While details were still somewhat “vague”, more than one development source spoke to the publication. One even believed that it was more of an “exploratory” concept and that the console wouldn’t be out in 2016.

A Sony representative told Kotaku that it didn’t comment on rumours so that’s pretty much the official line on an upgraded PS4. It wouldn’t be the first time a manufacturer looked into upgrading its console, though this PlayStation 4.5 would be one of the more drastic upgrades we’ve seen yet.

What are your thoughts on such a console, should it come to pass? Let us know in the comments below.

GDC 2016PlayStation 4.5ps4sony