PlayStation 4 Camera Supports Voice Recognition

Sony counters Kinect.

For all the knocks that Kinect gets, no one can deny that it’s a powerful tool. Blending motion camera technology and voice recognition, it’s been taken apart and utilized for hundreds of different purposes worldwide, including medicine. So can you blame Sony’s PlayStation 4 camera for supporting voice recognition?

The fact was revealed in a new video recorded by an audience member at the recent GameStop Expo. Sony confirmed the same as a spokesperson stated to Eurogamer that “We can confirm that PS Camera does allow voice recognition. We will share more details on this shortly.”

The question is: How will the PlayStation 4 utilize the feature? We know that the Xbox One uses extensive voice recognition that allows you to snap applications together, switch between games and apps, activate different features and much. Will the PS4 camera have some common features in terms of accessing media and surfing the web, but be kept separate from actual gameplay? We’ll find out soon.

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