PlayStation 4 dev kit specs are impressive, new details

Not real specs just dev kit specs.

Playstation 4 dev kits are said to be powerful for developers to work around with, according to a new report.

There’s one thing to note here that those specs aren’t indicative of the final version and what you will actually find in the PS4 shouldn’t be that powerful due to space and power requirements.

The dev kits are for developers mainly and sometimes contain up to 2x the specs of the retail console. Kotaku has got its hands on one of them and has posted the specs, which can be termed as a powerful thing.

They say that it runs on 4x AMD 64 Bulldozer CPU with 8 cores, has 8 GB RAM, and the GPU is said to be AMD R10xx. The final version which is being reported by many sites has a different CPU, half the RAM and a weaker GPU.

There’s some information on the controller as well, and just as we reported earlier, Sony will be ditching the Dualshock and will go with something else. It is said to contain RGB LED as well and will feature vibration.

The user account thing is impressive as it contains support for a lot of accounts and will allow people to unlock trophies if logged in.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Thanks, Kotaku.
