Playstation 4 to Release in 2013 Holidays

Despite all sense indicating otherwise, there it is.

Sony has officially closed their Playstation event, wherein they announced the Playstation 4 and showcased several titles that would release for the system including new Killzone and Infamous titles, along with an upcoming Final Fantasy game (maybe).

They also announced that the Playstation 4 would be releasing during this year’s holiday season. Yes, that’s 2013 year-end. Not 2014.

At this point, we have to question the decision. There are still plenty of exclusives left for the PS3, and with the Cloud services offering the chance to stream PS3 titles onto the PS4, how many new consumers will really drop money on a PS3 (or even said exclusives) when they can just wait for the PS4?

Obviously, Sony must have some intricate plan in place to sustain interest in the PS3 – and honestly, given that the console wasn’t showcased, there could be a delay in the release. Nonetheless, it’s a tumultuous time to be a gamer.

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