Playstation 4 to Support Cross Game Chat: Hallelujah!

The long awaited feature will finally arrive this holiday season.

Sony is being rather giving, heading into its holiday launch for the PS4. Besides revamping their controller, introducing Cloud services, supporting indie games like Jonathan Blow’s The Witness and much more, the company had detailed in a press release following the reveal of the console that it would receiving Cross Game Chat.

On the second page of the press release reads the line, “Users can connect their Facebook account with Sony Entertainment
Network account. Through PS4, users are able to deepen their connections through co-op play or ‘cross-game chat’.”

Considering that it was one of the most requested features in the 6+ year long cycle of the PS3, and one of the few things the Xbox 360 had that Sony’s console didn’t, it’s good to see it finally arrive for the next generation.

Now the question remains: With all these long-time requested features and time-honed new ones, how much will the PlayStation 4 retail for? We’ll find out in the coming months.

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