Playstation 4: Unreal Engine 4, New Havok Physics Engine Showcased

Madness! Madness, we say!

To accentuate the power of the recently announced Playstation 4, Sony took to showcasing a tech demo of Unreal Engine. While the demo itself is more or less known – check out the pic above to know what we mean – hearing that it will be running in real time is definitely arresting enough.

And if that weren’t enough, we also got a look at the new Havok physics engine. Words don’t really do it justice, but if the Playstation 4 is capable of running such madness…well, the mind reels at what developers will be able to achieve a year or three after its launch.

So far, the Dualshock 4 has been announced along with fantasy adventure Knack and Sony’s Cloud services and social media integration touched upon. It’s been a great conference thus far – what are your thoughts on the proceedings? Let us know in the comments below whether it’s living up to your expectations.

Havok 2.0playstation 4ps4sonyUE4unreal engine 4