PlayStation Now Prices On PS4 Are Still Shockingly High

Absurd to say the least.

When Sony first unveiled their plans for a video game streaming service that was going to be powered by Gakai, gamers were hopeful that they would be receiving easy and cheap access to the expansive Sony library of games. Sadly this is not the case.

The pricing for the streaming service at the moment is nothing short of absurd. PlayStation Now is currently in a closed beta state and is said to have improved upon the outrageous pricing model. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier reached out to PlayStation Now Senior Director, Jack Buser and made some enquiries regarding the possibility of a drop in the pricing.

Mr Buser said, “One of those things that we heard about was we received some critical feedback around certain price points as you’re very familiar with,” he continues, “As a direct result of that feedback, we’re gonna soon introduce titles starting at $1.99. We hope this offers users a wider range of price points to choose from, and we encourage our testers to continue to tell us about what their experience is with every aspect of the service.”

Something important to take away from this is that “titles starting at $1.99” doesn’t necessarily mean a cheap pricing plan, it simply means that the entry level for specific titles will be lower than others.

While there is absolutely no doubt that the current pricing model of PlayStation Now needs to change, Sony will be taking feedback from the closed Beta and will hopefully use this to better influence their decision making.

Current prices include Codemasters’ Grid 2 at $22.99 for 90 days or Square Enix’s Deus Ex Human Revolution starting at $4.99 for just four hours.

[Source – Kotaku]

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