PlayStation Plus Europe Free Games for January Includes inFamous: First Light

PS3 users to receive Prototype 2 and DuckTales: Remastered.

PlayStation Plus subscribers in Europe will be receiving some fairly hard hitting games. Sony has announced its Instant Game Collection for January and it includes inFamous: First Light, the story-based standalone expansion for Second Son which focuses on Fetch.

PS4 gamers will also receive The Swapper, an indie puzzle platforming game that’s received much critical acclaim and focuses on switching between bodies in order to complete puzzles.

PS3 players haven’t been left out though – they’ll be receiving Prototype 2 and DuckTales: Remastered, the former being an open world game with super-powers and the latter being a full remaster of the classic DuckTales platforming adventure originally released on the NES.

PS Vita users will receive games like Woah Dave! and Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition. Since Duke Nukem can’t be released in Germany, German users will be receiving Gravity Crash Ultra instead.

What are your thoughts on this month’s free games for PS Plus? Let us know in the comments.

inFamous: First Lightplaystation plusPrototype 2PS Vitaps3ps4The Swapper