PlayStation Plus Subscribers Drop By 300,000 Between March And June

However, the drop is understandable, given that this period is quite slow for gaming.

As part of the announcement of Sony’s financial results, the company also shared some details about the number of PlayStation Plus subscribers, along with details of hardware and software sales. It is clear that this service plays an important role for PlayStation and its users.

As of June 31, the total number of PlayStation Plus subscribers was at 33.9 million. Just a few months earlier on March 31, the total number of subscribers was 34.2 million, which means there has been a decrease in subscribers overall. However, this is understandable, since the period between April and June is generally slow for the gaming industry as a whole. Additionally, a drop of just 0.3 million isn’t necessarily such a drastic drop. For comparison, a year ago on March 31, 2017, the total number of PlayStation Plus subscribers was just 26.4 million, so the total number of subscribers has grown significantly within a year.

It’s clear then that PlayStation Plus is attracting more and more subscribers, and we’ll have to see where the numbers are at as the year goes on.

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