PlayStation Vita 2000 Currently Only for Japan

No plans for a Western release as of now.

Sony recently confirmed the upcoming release of a new model for the Vita, the PlayStation Vita 2000, which is 20 percent thinner and 15 percent lighter and will be releasing it on October 10th. The new model will come with an LCD display rather than OLED in order to increase battery life. However, this new model is currently only slated to release in Japan.

A Sony spokesperson recently told IGN that while it is “considering every opportunity” for releasing the Vita 2000 in the West, it currently has “nothing to announce for the [Sony Computer Entertainment America] territory.”

So if you’ve been wondering just when the West will be able to benefit from the new and spiffy model, you can continue waiting. Hopefully Sony will release it relatively quick given how the current model is still being sold in North America and Europe. Will it lead to an increase in Vita sales for the foreseeable future? Stay tuned for more.

PlayStation Vita 2000sony