PlayStation VR Could Use “Lot of Improvement” – Sony CEO

Where it make sense of course.

Sony CEO Kaz Hirai revealed during the company’s presentation at CES 2017 that the PlayStation VR saw a pretty good start. However he also noted while speaking to DailyStar UK that the platform could still use a lot improvement.

When asked about issues like cabling and whatnot, Hirai noted that, “I would say that generally speaking there’s probably a lot of improvement where it makes sense.”

He did note that this is the “first version” of the platform and that, “PlayStation is a business that is known to iterate and to evolve hardware products.”

And though improvements could come, they will be made keeping affordability in mind. “[Improvements] have to be balanced with cost considerations as well, because it is a consumer product for gamers so we don’t want to say it’s lighter, whiter or whatever, but it’s going to cost triple. That’s not going to happen.”

How would you improve PlayStation VR? Let us know below.

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