Playstation VR Games Will Have Clear Labels On Their Cases To Minimize Customer Confusion

You'll be able to tell right away if a game is simply compatible with PSVR, or if it outright requires it.

Sony are going to make a full effort to minimize customer confusion once the PlayStation VR launches, it seems like. As VideoGamer reports, game listings for PlayStation VR compatible and exclusive games indicate what appear to be very simple but clear labels indicating the degree of compatibility a game will have with Sony’s upcoming VR headset.

Labels will read either ‘PlayStation VR Required’ or ‘PlayStation VR Compatible,’ in large font, which, owing especially to its positioning right under the PS4 logo banner, can’t be missed. Additionally, it seems as though games requiring PSVR will also have a picture of the PSVR with the text ‘You’ll Need These’ on the bottom right, ensuring that customers know that they can’t play the game without it. Subtle.But hey- this means that there should be absolutely no scope for a customer to be confused or misled about a game’s status with regards to the PSVR.

This strategy is an awful lot like the one Microsoft adopted for the Kinect on Xbox 360, where games would either read ‘Better With Kinect Sensor’ to indicate Kinect compatibility, or ‘Requires Kinect Sensor’ to indicate that they would not run without the controversial peripheral. But hey, it worked then, so who can blame Sony for going with what worked?

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