PlayStation’s Days of Play Starts Next Week, You Can Sign Up Now

Players can unlock new avatars and PS4 themes.

Sony has revealed the first details for this year’s Days of Play event. The PlayStation player celebration will be a part of the event this year, and players will be able to unlock new avatars and PS4 themes if the combined playerbase plays enough games and unlocks enough trophies across both PS4 and PS5.

After players sign up, any game they play for more than an hour and any trophy they unlock will be added to a cumulative total. If that total surpasses certain goals, players will unlock new PS4 avatars and dynamic themes. If players meet every goal, players will unlock a total of 17 new avatars and 3 new dynamic themes. Not a bad haul.

The competition will occur in three stages, each of which will feature a normal and bonus goal. The dates and goals are:

Stage 1: May 18, 12:00 AM – May 24, 11:59 PM PDT

  • Goal: 2.4 million games, 7.2 million trophies. Rewards: 1 avatar, 1 theme
  • Bonus goal: 3 million games, 8.8 million trophies. Rewards: 3 avatars

Stage 2: May 25, 12:00 AM – May 31, 11:59 PM PDT

  • Goal: 2.9 million games, 8.5 million trophies. Rewards: 5 avatars
  • Bonus goal: 3.6 million games, 10.4 million trophies: Rewards: 3 avatars

Stage 3: June 1, 12:00 AM – June 7, 11:59 PM PDT

  • Goal: 3 million games, 9 million trophies. Rewards: 1 avatar, 1 theme
  • Bonus goal: 3.7 million games, 11 million trophies. Rewards: 3 avatars

If every goal is met, players who took part in each round of the beta will receive an additional dynamic theme. Targets are not cumulative, and will be reset each week. Sony also announced that there would be a Days of Play sale on the PlayStation Store sometime later this month, as well as a free multiplayer weekend on the PlayStation Blog.

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