Pokemon GO Now Available for Apple Watch

Now capture Pokemon with your smartwatch (but not really).

Niantic’s Pokemon Go is now available for the Apple Watch. Reports emerged over the weekend that the smartwatch version of the popular mobile title was cancelled but it’s now out and about.

There are several key differences between the iOS and Apple Watch versions. For instance, you can see how much further you need to walk to hatch eggs, the amount of XP needed to level up and any Pokemon that may be nearby. Don’t ditch your phone just yet because it’s still needed to actually catch the Pokemon.

Things that can be done on the Watch include collecting PokeStop items, watching eggs hatch and seeing far you’ve walked or how many calories have been burned. As a convenience tool, it’s not all that bad though we really need to question how addicted you are to Pokemon Go at this point to need it on your wrist.

What are your thoughts on the Apple Watch version? Let us know in the comments.

Apple WatchiOSnianticpokemon go