Pokemon: ‘Massive shock announcement’ coming very soon

Junichi Masuda, director of Pokemon games, will be coming on air in next week’s Pokemon Smash episode and will be making a “massive shock announcement.”

No details at all other than that were given, so looks like we’ll have to wait till September 18, Sunday, which is when the episode airs.

If this is a new Pokemon game, and entire new generation, which Masuda will be announcing, then it must be in the new issue of the Coro Coro magazine too, which will be hitting the stores any day now. Or it could be that a new, 3DS specific spin-off is being announced.

Or maybe, Masuda will finally announce Pokemon Grey.

We’d be happy either way. We want to see Pokemon Generation 6 the most though. Not just because Black and White were so awesome (we liked them so much, we awarded them a 9.5/10), but also because we have some pretty neat ideas in our mind as to what can be done in Gen 6, and if they are implemented, it’d be great.

Stay tuned to GB, we’ll keep giving you updates on this “massive shock announcements.”


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