Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire TV Commercial Released

Live action meets CG Pokemon.

Question time. How do you make a TV commercial that is part CG, part live action and make it not a horrid waste of time? Simple. You take something that fits into a real world setting and you briefly play to those strengths while not over staying your welcome before moving on to the real meat and potatoes.

Perfect example, the Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire TV Commercial. Given that Pokémon are supposed to exist alongside humans it’s not weird to see them walking alongside some kids (I’m looking at you Sonic Boom). They even skitter into each other in a cute little moment of realism.

Then the trailer goes on to give you a brief look at the upcoming games “soaring” feature that lets you Fly on your Pokémon’s back like you’ve always wanted to before showing off a few of  the core updates like Mega-Evolution. There’s a brief platform advertisement lasting like 3 seconds and then it ends.

nintendo 2dsNintendo 3DSpokemonPokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire