Pokemon Sleep Reportedly Earned Over $100 Million in Revenue in its First Year

Japanese users have spent $73 million on the sleep-tracking app since its release in July last year, while American users have spent $15 million.

It took a shockingly long four years for Pokemon Sleep to launch following its announcement in 2019, but since its release last July, it seems the sleep-tracking app has done well enough for The Pokemon Company in terms of the revenue that it has generated.

That’s as per a report published by Pocketgamer.biz, which claims that the app has earned over $100 million in revenue in its first year. Since July, the app has seen Japanese users spending over $73 million on it, with users in the United States spending another $15 million. In fourth place is Taiwan with $4 million spent.

In total, the report claims the app has been downloaded over 9.8 million times since last July, with 44 percent of those downloads coming from Japan, 17 percent from the US, and 7 percent from Taiwan.

Of course, compared to fellow mobile Pokemon outing Pokemon GOPokemon Sleep’s numbers are positively tiny, but for a sleep-tracking app, it has done well enough in its first year.

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