Project Eternity Dev: Fallout NV’s Rep System and Alpha Protocol’s dialogue system in consideration

These are good examples, surely.

Project Eternity was emphatically funded with over 4 million in the bank, and during a recent AMA on Reddit, Josh Sawyer from Obsidian mentioned that Fallout: New Vegas’ reputation system and Alpha Protocol’s dialogue system are great examples of what he wants in Project Eternity.

He revealed that Fallout: New Vegas’ reputation system was something he was “definitely” considering for Project Eternity.

“F:NV’s reputation system is something we definitely want to bring over in some form,” he wrote on Reddit. “We feel that it allows the world to react to the player in ways that the player understands. Instead of making the game be about arbitrary good and evil actions, the player becomes concerned (or chooses to not care) about the reactions of individual characters and factions.”

He’s also a fan of Alpha Protocol, and who wouldn’t be? That game was awesome and an underrated gem.

“Personally, I think AP’s dialogue system did a lot of things very well. Specifically, I really liked the idea of tying attitudes to responses and being very consistent with rewarding and penalizing each way through a conversation in equal measure. I’d like to emulate that level of free player choice in PE.”

These are good examples, surely, now let’s just hope these things make the cut for Project Eternity. That would be quite something. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments section below.

Fallout New VegasObsidianpcProject Eternity