PS Vita is region free, Sony confirms

Many fans might be worried about PS Vita’s compatibility issues, that they might go the Nintendo way and region lock it. Don’t worry though- imported games will run on your PS Vitas. Sony has confirmed that their upcoming handheld system will be region free.

Sony Computer Entertainment’s president of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida was asked on Twitter about the same, about whether or not the Vita will be region free, and he replied by saying “Yes, it is.”

This means you can import games from other regions to play on your Vita, or import the system itself, as long as you’re okay with having a system designed specially for another region.

Vita will debut in Japan on December 17, and will have 26 launch titles. The launch lineup includes some heavyweights like Ninja Gaiden, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Uncharted, Little Deviants, Sound Shapes and more.

There have been a lot of updates on PS Vita recently. Check them all out here.

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