PS Vita sales “on the low end of what we expected”- Kaz Hirai

You think?

Sony global boss Kaz Hirai admits that the PS Vita’s sales are lower than what Sony thought and expected they would be, but that it is ultimately the igger picture that matters, implying that he still thinks the Vita’s sales will pick up and that the system will eventually have sold plenty of units.

When asked by the Wall Street Journal how good the Vita’s sales figures were, Kaz Hirai said: “I would say it’s on the low end of what we expected.”

Well, sure, the Vita has been performing poorly in almost all regions. However, Hirai added: “Long term is what is important.”

About the holiday season sales, he said that the sales were “pretty much” equal to what Sony had projected.

The PS Vita has been selling poorly for a long time now, but it has also been getting some good games lately.

Do you think the PS Vita’s sales will pick up? Let us know in your comments below.


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