PS Vita to get over 100 games this year

These games have to be released as well though.

The Vita has a game drought? Not anymore, as Sony has revealed that there are over 100 games coming to the system this year. Don Mesa, PlayStation’s director of product panning and platform software innovation, revealed that one third of Vita games were sold through PSN.

“I know there’s been a lot of noise about Vita recently,” he told IGN. “There were some negative impressions and so forth. One thing we haven’t had the opportunity to do is talk about how our Vita owners are feeling about the platform. It’s a good gut check for all of us, to know what’s happening now.”

Vita owners spent 18.7 hours a week with the system and 86% were satisfied with the handheld and over 90% use the system on a regular basis.

There’s no mention of first party content coming to the system. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

PS Vitasony