PS Vita Two New Colors Announced

Of course, we're probably never getting them in the west.

Sony have announced two brand new colors for the PlayStation Vita at their pre-Tokyo Game Show PlayStation Japan conference. The two new colors include the sexy new metallic red, as well as a new shade of grayish white, and both are among the best looking PS Vita colors on the market.

The only sad bit here is that neither of these colors are likely to make it over to the west- after all, in Japan, the Vita is an actual healthy platform, which sells a good amount and has a fair amount of support, versus over here in the west, where the handheld is all but dead. It’s a shame, because I would definitely purchase at least that red one if it came here- even though the colors are only available for the Slim PS Vita 2000 models, which lack the sexy OLED screen that I love so much on my current Vita.

Both the new colors go on sale in Japan on December 1.

PS Vitasony