PS Vita Unexpectedly Gets Firmware Update 3.69

Yeah, take that, Wii U!

It looks like it is the time for dead and abandoned systems to arise from their graves this month. On the heels of the Wii U getting an unexpected firmware update, Sony, not wanting to be outdone by Nintendo in the “we support our dead system with pointless firmware updates too” battle, have released one for the PS Vita.

Update 3.69 is now available, and you will need to download it if you want to access the PSN Store. Ostensibly, this is just a stability firmware update, but I assume Sony has pushed it out to kill the homebrew and exploits on the system (although why they care to do that at this point, especially given they are even planning on stopping production of physical cartridge sales in the west starting next year, is beyond me).

So, here’s what will presumably be one final update for the PlayStation Vita, available to download now.

PS Vitasony