PS4 Exclusive Dreams Is ‘Definitely A Game,’ Developer Says

And yet, it will also be something more.

Media Molecule, the developer of the hit LittleBigPlanet games, as well as the charming Vita platformer Tearaway, have been showing off their first PS4 project, Dreams, for a while now. The trouble is, in spite of multiple demonstrations, a lot of people aren’t clear on what Dreams is. Is it a creation kit? Is it a game with level editing tools? What is it?

Speaking to Eurogamer, Media Molecule’s Technical Director Alex Evans tried to clear up the confusion. “It’s definitely a game. It’s a tool as well because that’s how we make it, and it’s a revolutionary tool,” Evans said. “It’s a game you can enjoy, just as LittleBigPlanet was. I know you’ll be able to boot the game, not have understood the game and not have to care about any of the stuff we’re showing and still enjoy yourself. Sit on the sofa, pop the Blu-ray in and have a good time.

“It will be story-led, I imagine – the reason we’re not talking about it yet is because it’s in pieces at the moment. We think we know what we’re going to do, but it’s not good enough to show you. Dreams has got to stand as a fun experience. It’s got to be a pop culture, console experience. How we do it is going to be innovative, I think.

“You explore, you play puzzles, you go on an adventure. What is that adventure? You’ll find out soon.”

While Media Molecule themselves don’t sound too clear or sure on a lot of things, after their excellent track record, I think they have earned the benefit of the doubt from us. We’ll wait and see how it turns out. But it’s hard to deny that Dreams really does look like it could be an intriguing new frontier for video games.

DreamsMedia MoleculePlayStation VRps4sony