PS4 Exclusive inFamous: Second Son footage shows some excellent gameplay

Visuals look stunning.

Sony recently showcased inFamous: Second Son to the North American media in a media summit, and even had a demo for people to play, and we have here some excellent footage to give you more details on just how good Second Son really looks. The video above shows you a section of the game and the two possible outcomes the game can have that the section leads up to- the good section or the bad section. You might be familiar with this if you’ve played inFamous before, but I’ll describe it briefly anyway.

The first section was the lethal, evil section and the second section was the non-lethal, good section. Both had pretty different settings and different ways of approaching the game, and they both looked very good. The visuals, of course, seem very impressive.

Geoff Keighley recently said that he was very impressed with inFamous: Second Son’s visual fidelity, and we can see what he meant.

Stay tuned to GB, we will keep you updated as more info comes our way.

Infamous: Second Sonps4sonySucker Punch