While the PS4K, also commonly known as the PS4.5 and the PS4 Neo, has not yet been officially confirmed, its existence is taken as all but for granted, given the sheer number of corroborating leaks we have on hand confirming the thing’s existence.
However, even though the oft rumored and much vaunted mid life upgrade for the PS4 may be real, it appears that it may not be announced at E3, contrary to what a lot of people are expecting. Instead, if insider shinobi is to be believed, it sounds like Sony won’t be announcing it until far later in the year- which seems to match up with some of the other rumors that we have on hand.
“I’ve heard that Sony will announce the PS4 Neo at Paris Games Week. This made sense to me because the supposed upgrades are coming in what, October? I would have said this publicly if I was 100% sure, but it’s just what I was told,” shinobi said.
Which means that, if this report is correct, then the PS4K and the Nintendo NX will both be skipping out on E3 this year- leaving Microsoft with an open field, should they choose to announce their new Xbox hardware at the trade show next month.