Earlier today, we reported that some developers may be charged for updates to their games to support the PS4 Pro– however, even if developer does have to pay for a patch or an update, customers absolutely will not have to. Jacksinthe from AbsintheGames revealed on NeoGAF that any fee for a PS4 Pro update will have to be swallowed by developers and publishers- it absolutely cannot be passed onto customers.
“We are not allowed to charge you for patches or Pro feature updates,” he said. “The “fees” include anything we have to swallow to update our past games for you. The internet can calm down. There is nothing we can do to leverage Pro features or patches with price. Nothing.”
Which… sounds about right, honestly. After all, even regular patches are charged for by Sony (and Microsoft, and Nintendo), but developers never charge customers for them. Any outrage you may have over this needs to be dispelled, and saved for later, when something actually meriting it happens. This is basically the norm for how patches and updates work on consoles.