PS4 Slim Launching In Glacier White Color Later This Month

See inside for pictures and a video.

The PS4 Slim may not be much of a looker, but this new Glacier White color for the system will want you to seriously change your mind on that assessment. Just announced by Sony, the Glacier White PS4 Slim will be launching later this month.

The new color has been announced for Europe and PAL territories, where it will launch on January 24, with 500GB of on board storage, and for Japan and Asia, where it will launch on January 23, with a 500GB variant, and a 1TB one. As of right now, no release plans for North America have been discussed, which I seriously hope changes soon, because come on, now.

To check out this beauty in all of its glory, you can see the picture above, or the trailer below. Hopefully, Sony will announce a Glacier White variant for the PS4 Pro, too- I have a feeling the color would look good on it.

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