PS4 Software Attach Ratio is Nearly 10, Which Is Historically High

As PS4 turns five, Sony shares some interesting statistics about it.

Earlier today, Sony celebrated the fifth anniversary of the PlayStation 4 by sharing an infographic with some statistics, which you can see for yourself below. Said infographic ended up letting on more information than might be immediately apparent at first, however. For instance, Sony specified that by September 30 this year, they had shipped 86 million units, and that they had shipped 777.9 million units of software by June 30, 2018.

However, from their previous financial report, we know that they shipped 75.1 million units of software last quarter, that is, between July 1 2018 and September 30 2018. Which means that the total number for software comes to 853 million units shipped worldwide, in turn leading to the software attach ratio for the PS4 being an extremely high 9.9 games sold per console.

In simple language, it means that each PS4 owner has, on average, almost 10 games. It’s an extraordinarily high attach ratio for software, definitely among the highest recorded for a console, right alongside the Xbox 360, PS2, and Wii. It just goes to show you, people who buy the PS4 proceed to actually keep using it. Sony has for itself a highly engaged audience at this point.
