PS4 System Update 4.01 Now Available, Does Absolutely Nothing

Another stability update.

Earlier this year, Sony released PS4 System Update 4.00, a major new firmware update that overhauled the UI, and added a plethora of functionality to the console’s OS. It was one of the best firmware updates Sony had released for their console yet- arguably, it as the best one, without any qualifiers attached.

So how do they follow that up? They follow that up with firmware update 4.01, which is now available to download. And what does this firmware update do? It does nothing. It is a ‘stability’ update, which is techno-speak for ‘no meaningful front facing features or changes.’ That said, it may well have reworked the framework in the background to address some bugs and glitches, or to plug some security holes and exploits. If so, we won’t know, and Sony understandably won’t tell us.

The update, which is available to download now, is 302 MB in terms of file size. Hopefully the next one is a little more meaningful.
