PS4’s 2.0 System Update Preview Trailer Released

Everybody likes a good update!

You’ve all been waiting for it and the wait is finally over. Alas you can loose that gathered breath and punch the area because the PS4’s 2.0 System Update is nearly here!

So let’s have a gander at what’s in the 2.0 goodness shall we?

USB music is now, finally, a thing. Slap in your USB device and just like that you’re ready to jam. Themeing! No longer are you restricted to a wavy blue background thanks to numerous defaults and downloadable options! Voice command functionality is here, so if you don’t feel like pressing a button then feel free to shout at your console.

Pausing and resuming your downloads is thankfully now an option, this also comes alongside YouTube upload functionality. Which is something I know a lot of you have been after for a while now. This is just a few of the upgrades coming to the system, so see the video above for all the info straight from the source!

ps4sonysystem update 2.0