PS5 Is A “Masterpiece Of Systems Design,” Says Epic Games VP Of Engineering

More high praise from Epic Games for Sony's next console.

Both Sony and Microsoft have now officially unveiled their upcoming next generation consoles, and the hype cycle for both are gearing up. Praise has been heaped on both systems from various parties, but it seems as if Epic Games has taken a real shine to the PS5 in particular. It apparently lead to them rewriting parts of the Unreal Engine 5 because of the system, which is about as high praise as you can get. But there’s more praise coming, as it seems some consider the system to be a “masterpiece.”

In an interview with PlayStation Official Magazine (Issue 176), Epic’s VP of engineering Nick Penwarden praised the system, calling it nothing short of a revolution in terms of storage, and sees it driving a huge leap in both performance and graphics leading to new types of games and experiences.

“The PlayStation 5 is a masterpiece of systems design,” says Penwarden. “Not only is it driving a huge leap in computing and graphics performance, but it is also revolutionary in terms of storage and data compression technology, unlocking new kinds of games and experiences for players to enjoy.”

This isn’t the first time someone in the higher echelons of Epic Games has praised the system, as the CEO of the company had nothing but praise for the system’s SSD and how it was implemented. Much ado has been made about the PS5’s SSD and how it’s been utilized in the system as a whole, and it seems it’s at least impressed Epic a lot.

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