PS5 Supposed Cartridge Trademark Was Actually For Sony’s Toio Kids Toys

A new video features a similar-looking cartridge design for the lineup of kids' toys.

Several weeks ago, a report was doing the rounds about Sony registering a patent for cartridges. Many assumed this had to do with the PlayStation 5 especially given the cartridge’s history in the gaming industry. As TweakTown pointed out, these were actually meant for something else entirely – Sony’s Toio line of kids’ toys.

The video below showcases the cartridge being used for Toio, which has nothing to do with Sony’s PlayStation console business. As we noted last week, it seemed unlikely that the cartridge could have anything to do with the PlayStation 5 especially since the console already uses 4K Blu-ray media. A new handheld also seemed out of the question.

If nothing else, this just reinforces the fact that patents, even if they have some loose connection with gaming, could be for anything. This is especially so given that Sony Interactive Entertainment handles more than just console gaming. In the meantime, the PS5 is still slated to release in Holiday 2020 so stay tuned for more solid information in the coming months.
