PS5 Units Have Reportedly Started Shipping Out From Sony

Those who ordered directly from the company are getting emails.

This week is now the beginning of the next generation of consoles. Microsoft will launch both their Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S and in some regions Sony will launch their PS5. Unfortunately, it seems like it’s going to be quite challenge to actually get this on launch day, but for those lucky few who got in pre-orders, there’s some good news on the Sony side.

As reported via MP1st, it seems as if those who ordered their system directly from Sony has started to go out. They have a copy of their email for their company a couple of days ago, which you can see through here. They also say that others have reported the same for their orders, though it’s not clear if this is universally the case or not. While these are specifically for those who pre-ordered direct from Sony, it’s probably a good indication that stock is in the process of being moved around for Thursday’s launch. Do remember that we are still in the midst of a pandemic and, if you’re in America, our postal system is kind of in shambles, so you may or may not actually receive your system at launch even if they are going through the system.

The PlayStation 5 will officially release on November 12th in some regions with a worldwide release on the 19th.
