PS5 Worldwide Shipments Top 41.7 Million Units

The company shipped 3.3 million units in the quarter ending June 30th, 2023, an increase of 900,000 units over the same period last year.

After announcing 40 million unit sales for the PlayStation 5 late last month, Sony has provided updated shipment numbers. In its Q1 fiscal year 2023 financial results, the company confirmed 41.7 million total units shipped as of June 30th, 2023. In the three month period ending on the same date, it shipped 3.3 million console units, which is 900,000 units more than the same quarter from last year.

Per its Supplementary Information, monthly active users on the PlayStation Network as of June 30th, 2023, reached 108 million, an increase of five million over last year. Software sales for the PS4 and PS5 reached 56.5 million in the quarter, up 9.3 million over the previous fiscal year’s 47.2 million. Seventy-two percent were digital downloads for full game software, a seven percent decrease year-over-year, and first-party titles contributed 6.6 million to the total sales, the same as last year.

Last quarter, Sony announced 47.4 million subscribers to PlayStation Plus (with Extra and Premium making up 30 percent of the total at 14.1 million). However, It didn’t provide an updated number for Q1 fiscal year 2023. Stay tuned for more updates in the meantime.

Playstation Networkps4ps5sony