PS5’s 3D Audio Tempest Engine Garners High Praise From Composer And Developer

Both of these musically inclined fellows are impressed.

When it comes to the next generation consoles, the conversation that rises to the top is fanboy warring, but a clear runner up is the graphics. I imagine that if you’ve been following this at all, you’ve probably heard enough about teraflops, resolutions, and graphics that you can puke blood. But just as important is how next gen will sound. Sony is doing some innovative stuff with the audio for its next system, and two guys in the know about these things have high praise.

Video game composer Dale North, and Olivier JT, developer on the musical VR title Synthesis Universe, chimed in on their official Twitters to give their opinions on the Tempest audio engine that was detailed earlier. North talked about how now locations, items, and places, can have their own sound effects, which can theoretically move based on your reaction. Olivier JT actually got to demo some of this tech some years back, and it made quite an impression on him.

Of course, how much of that will be implemented remains to be seen (or heard, rather). It’s also hard to think of this in action without hearing it for yourself, unlike imagining pretty graphics and sharp resolutions. We may not even get a true earful until the system actually launches.
