PSN Has Over 94 Million Active Users

The system and its network get a lot of use.

It’s no secret that Sony is flying pretty high with their PlayStation 4. They’ve basically dominated this console generation, thanks to stumbles with Microsoft’s Xbox One, and Nintendo being nearly MIA with the Wii U at the time. Now we have an idea of just how successful the system has been, and how engaged their audience is.

Sony released a breakdown to investors displaying that the PlayStation 4 system has sold 96.8 million units, something we knew before, but also that PSN has over 94 million active users. That means that the vast majority of PS4 owners are using the PSN to some degree. How much of that is simply free accounts and how many are Plus members isn’t broken down.

It really goes to show just how normal online functionality has become. When almost 100% of your userbase is actively using your online service in some way, it drives home how much of a standard it truly has become. You can check out the information with charts included here.
