PSN Maintenance Starts at 9 AM PST Following Service Issues

PSN has come back online...just in time to be taken down again.

PlayStation Network suffered some rather odd outages and shaddy service in the past day or so and while everything appears to be working again, it will once again be going down for scheduled maintenance. The maintenance period starts at 9 AM PST/12 PM EST/5 PM UK and will be lasting for 4.5 hours.

Sorry Destiny addicts, but you’ll have to bear with the downtime. Also, don’t go raiding before the maintenance starts. You’ll regret it.

The PlayStation Network has been experiencing some intermittent outages in the past month or so but nothing serious till yesterday’s blackout. Perhaps the largest outage for PSN was in December 2014 on Christmas Day when services were offline for several days due to Lizard Squad DDoS attacks. Compared to that, the upcoming scheduled maintenance will be much easier to handle.

What will you be doing while PSN is offline? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more information when it comes back online.
