Remedy Teases More Alan Wake; Alan Wake 2 Inbound?

Alan Wake is one of the cult hits of this generation, with the former Xbox exclusive game widely hailed for its captivating atmosphere and storytelling. However, low sales of the first game all but ensured that there would never be a proper sequel, and indeed, a low key, small budget downloadable only follow up to the game seemed to be an uninspiring sign of the things to come.

On Twitter, creative director Sam Lake started teasing more Alan Wake… in a rather obscure manner.

First he tweeted, “It’s all true. ‘It will happen again, in another town, a town called Ordinary.’ It’s happening now,” before proceeding to link to a blog post title Shoebox Dream in which a person named Samantha talks about a dream about “a young man with a dark hair” and “a funny jacket with old-fashioned elbow patches-” of course that’s our Alan.

Without getting into the specifics, this rather obscure teasing seems to be setting up an announcement of some sort. Whether this is a full fledged sequel, a downloadable spin off, or some DLC, is currently unknown, but we’ll keep you posted.


alan wakeAlan Wake 2Remedy