REPORT- Sony shipped 500K PS Vita systems, contrary to earlier reports

It was earlier reported that Sony shipped 700,000 units of their new handheld, PS Vita, for it’s Japanese launch three days ago. It’s now been reported that contrary to those reports, 500,000 units were shipped, meaning that 65% of the systems were sold, which is not so bad after all. I mean, 321,000 units sold in two days wasn’t bad either, but the ratio is much better now.

IGDA Japan vice coordinator Kyoshi Shin told Nikkei (translated by Andriasang) that Sony shipped 500,000 Vitas to Japanese retailers for the system’s launch. Shin alse criticized Sony for not managing to sell through their entire shipment and for selling the tech at such high prices.

Do you think the PS Vita “bombed”? Tell us in your comments below.

PS Vitasony