Resogun, Contrast, Ibb & Obb All Coming to PS+ This Week

Indie games kick off PS+ on PS4.

This week marks the PlayStation 4 launch; it therefore also marks the first batch of games that will be made available for PlayStation Plus members for free for the console. And the first batch of those games, while disappointingly lacking any big name retail games, is definitely a varied bunch that should cater to a wide variety of tastes.

The titles include Resogun, the stunning looking arcade shooter from the guys who gave us Super Stardust and Dead Nation, that should allow for some competitive shooting action for launch buyers; Contrast, which is a sedate, slow paced puzzle platformer; and Ibb & Obb, which is a charming gravity based puzzle game.

So if you were hoping to score Killzone or Knack with PS+, you’re out of luck for now, but regardless of the lack of big names, that’s an impressive, diverse lineup, and a good start to PS+ on the console.

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