Rock Band Could be Revived for Xbox One and PS4 – Report

An unnamed source says it's already in development.

While Guitar Hero was the more recognized party game for many a player – and oh how long ago that was – Rock Band had its own faithful following. In many ways, while Guitar Hero would stay safe to its norms, Rock Band would try to push the envelop and actually allow new avenues of gameplay. The series has received some new DLC with Rock Band 3 recently but for the most part, the franchise has laid dormant for the past several years since Rock Band Blitz.

That could change some time in the future though. According to an unnamed source that spoke to Bloomberg, a new Rock Band game is in development for the PS4 and Xbox One. No other details were provided but at this point, just the confirmation is enough.

How will Rock Band on current gen consoles work though? Will it require the guitar peripheral we know and love/loathe? We’ll find out in the coming months if it’s true so stay tuned.

ps4Rock BandXbox One