Rumour – NGP to be called PS Vita

Sony’s new handheld hardware, currently codenamed NGP, may get the official name of PS Vita at this year’s E3.

Domain registrations for and were made on April 20 through NetNames, a major registrant service.

Mega Rock Blog is said to have been the first to post “prepared graphics for E3″ showing off the handheld’s alleged new name, though the blog post has since gone down.

According to Joystiq, before the blog closed, an apology appeared that referred to the post as “one of the stupidest things [the poster had] ever done.” Though it isn’t clear if the stupidity of this act was in leaking the information.

Vita, which can be translated as “Life”, also appears to fit in with Sony’s early marketing for the console as a lifestyle device.

Only a week to go before we get the full scoop at E3.

ngpPS Vitasony