Samurai Warriors 4, the fourth in the series of action games by Tecmo Koei, has been announced for a western release this fall; curiously enough, the game, which was released in Japan on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, also got announced for the PlayStation 4 for the west, a port that simply has not yet been announced for Japan.
Samurai Warriors 4 will get its proper, official debut via an animated trailer at MCM London Comic-Con from May 23-25; there will be no playable build available right then, although we can probably hope for one at E3 in Los Angeles next month.
Samurai Warriors 4 was released for the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan in March, where it did about as reasonably well as any similar game does upon release, both critically and commercially. The PlayStation 4 SKU announcement might be an attempt by Tecmo Koei to maximize sales for the title in the west come Fall.