SCEA: Octodad Devs Given PS4 Dev Kits Within 48 Hours

Young Horses managed to get their game running in only 3 weeks.

Young Horses struck gold with their indie title Octodad, even though it was intended as a joke project while the group was in college. Now the sequel Octodad: Dadliest Catch will be heading to to the PlayStation 4 exclusively, and SCEA’s Sean Coleman stated during a company conference at the GameStop Expo, the publisher granted Young Horses dev-kits for the console within 48 hours of contact.

“In our pursuit of trying to create the best place to play, PlayStation has worked alongside revolutionary indie developers to give them the tools needed to self publish to the PlayStaion Store quickly and easily. My favorite game is a game called Octodad. Octodad started off as a school project, but within 48 hours of contacting PlayStation they had received their PlayStation 4 dev kit, and had the game up and running in only 3 weeks. Amazing.

“Just like Octodad, a ton of other amazing indie experiences are coming exclusively first to PlayStation.”

Such experiences include Wasteland Kings, Hotline Miami 2, The Witness, Transistor and many, many more. The PlayStation 4 is due to launch on November 15th across the United States.

dev kitsindieOctodad: Dadliest Catchps4sceasonyYoung Horses