Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake: Fumito Ueda Explains Explains Why The Game Is Fine With 16 Bosses

"I don't think about changing this story."

One of the most pleasant surprises we got from Sony’s E3 show this year was the announcement of an upcoming Shadow of the Colossus remake for the PS4. The original game, released for the PS2 by Fumito Ueda, is widely considered to be one of the greatest games ever made- even though it was a victim of its ambition, and bound and constrained by the technology of its time.

The PS3 HD re-release fixed some of the issues in the original, such as its egregiously bad framerate- but there has always been a lingering feeling the game could blossom into something great on an entirely different level if it was made with more sophisticated technology in mind. Hopefully, the PS4 remake does exactly that. But if you are worried about it changing the core design of the game too much, don’t be.

Speaking to Eurogamer, Ueda revealed that while he does have some changes in mind for the remake, he isn’t too confident that they will be implemented. He went on to add that the game as it exists currently – with 16 colossi and nothing more – is alright as it is.

“In this game there are 16 enemies and there’s a story about 16 enemies,” he said, “so to change this history… I don’t think about changing this history. It’s finished with 16 enemies. It’s okay.”

It makes sense- he had a vision, and the game is what his vision was. And who are we to argue with that vision, when it got us a game as memorable and unforgettable as Shadow of the Colossus was?

bluepointPS2ps4Shadow of the ColossussonySony Japan